Building an inground pool in your backyard can provide countless hours of cool, refreshing family fun. However, installing a swimming pool is also a significant investment. Depending on the type of pool and materials, an inground pool can cost anywhere from $30,000 to $150,000 and above in Central Texas.

One question that many homeowners have when they consider building an inground pool is “can I negotiate the cost of my pool?”. The prospect of lowering the price on a pool installation is an appealing one, however many homeowners may be concerned about offending their pool builder or appearing miserly.

The short answer to whether you can negotiate the pool price is “yes.” Pool prices in Georgetown, Texas are negotiable. However, not all pool builders will be receptive to this request or be able to accommodate it, so you want to be smart about the way you attempt to lower pool installation costs.

Whether you are looking to negotiate the price of your pool out of frugality, unexpected financial challenges, or mere curiosity, here are five points to consider before approaching your pool builder about a lower quote.

  1. Create a budget. How much can you afford to spend on an inground swimming pool? By creating a budget and committing to not exceeding that budget, you will automatically be able to rule out some pool installation companies. You will also have a firm number to present to any potential pool builders, saving both of you time and energy in any negotiation process.
  2. Comparison shop. Reviewing several local pool builders not only gives you a sense of what a swimming pool will realistically cost you, but will also give you a basis for requesting a lower bid. If you can show a pool builder that their competitor is offering a lower rate, they may be able to find some wiggle room in their estimate.
  3. Consider material types. Different types of inground pools have different price points. The cost of building a swimming pool in Texas can vary widely, depending on the size of the pool, the type of materials used, the local regulations and permits required, and any additional features—such as landscaping, decking and fencing. If you are interested in lowering the price of your swimming pool project, ask your pool builder how changing or reducing certain elements will affect the overall cost.
  4. Consider the timing of the project. Most people begin their pool installation projects in the spring or summer. The winter months tend to be the slowest for pool builders. If you are looking to negotiate your swimming pool cost, consider asking your pool contractor if scheduling a winter installation will drop the price.
  5. Ask about financing options. Most pool installation companies offer financing options and payment plans on their swimming pool projects instead of requiring customers to pay for the entire installation cost up front. When researching pool builders, make sure to ask them about what financing options are available and if they can create a custom payment plan that fits your budget and situation.

Austin Pool and Spa Builders is a leading pool construction company in Austin, TX. We’ve been in the construction industry for more than 15 years, building best outdoor kitchens, patios, and pools. Because we’re a local company with low overhead, we can generally beat national companies when it comes to pricing and find ways to save our customers money.